Our 2019 merchandise is now available to order through the club!!

 We’ve got a range of new gear including a bomber jacket, boot bag and the awesome gull training top and shorts available for purchase.

 We’ve also managed to get some kids gear again this year, including a replica jersey and the hoody. Please see pricing below.

 Someone will be at the club on Thursday 14th February and Thursday 21st February during and after training for anyone who wants to try on samples of the gear and place orders.

 All orders and payments need to be placed by 22nd February with delivery anticipated by end of April for the 2019 season.

 The club does have 20 of the boot bags and 30 trucker hats in stock for sale.

 Unfortunately the club is not holding any stock of the clothing merchandise so this is your best chance to get your true blue gear for 2019 nice and early!

 Please email cottrugbytreasurer@gmail.com with details of anything you would like to order. All payments can be made at the bar or via bank deposit to:

 Name: Cottesloe Rugby Club

BSB No: 306089

AC No: 2766537

Reference: Your Name

Below are the images of the 2019 merchandise and below is the pricing for each item (including GST).

Please note all orders need to include $5 for shipping costs!!

Price List 2019.PNG