2022 Season Registration
For 2022 our registration fees for players are as follows
Mens - TBC
Womens - TBC
Students will be given a $60 discount on production of a valid ID after they have registered
Rugby Xplorer
Rugby Xplorer is the new registration and competition management app. It’s quick, simple and seamless.
Every player must register via the app and pay online. There is no other way to register
To register to Play or as a Volunteer all you need to do
• Download the Rugby Xplorer app:
Create your personal account on the app - You can now choose to log in through an SMS link or email link.
Don’t forget to keep a note of your login and password
Once you have an account in rugby Xplorer you can register to play or volunteer for Cottesloe RFC.
Choose the RugbyWA Competition - both men and women players
Prior to the season start you can register and pay for training only, which is insurance. This training fee will be deducted if you convert to a season player membership.
Zip Pay is now an available payment option for registrations.
Please take the time to register now! This is both easier for the club and ensures you maintain your Rugby Australia insurance during the pre-season training period. If you have any queries please contact Lynn Smith at cottrugbyregistrar@gmail.com. Lynn will also be around at the clubhouse on most training nights if you'd like to introduce yourself and ask any questions.
All non-playing members including coaches, managers, physio/sports trainers, committee members, volunteers and social members all need to register this year.
Fees for social membership is $100. Volunteers and support staff do not pay fees.