A Pint with CB - Lloyd Darmody

It could be argued that apart from the president and the first grade tighthead prop, the most important person in the club is the man who sells the beer. Our new Bar Manager, Lloyd Darmody, will take up the reins of the clubhouse imminently and he has agreed to answer a few questions with yours truly. He hails from County Cork in Ireland but has lined out many times down the grades for the club over the years. Never overly fond of visiting the training paddock during the week, it could be argued that he is best deployed up in the clubhouse, although when he does decide to grace the rugby field with his presence on a Saturday, he can definitely play. So if you find yourself knocking around the clubhouse on a satruday with a spare beer in hand, I would encourage you all to make yourself known to Lloyd. And so to the questions:
When did you first get involved with Cott?
I first arrived at Cott in 2011. I picked the club off the map, as I figured if I was going to live in Perth I should be able to see the ocean. No regrets on that choice.
How did you get roped into being Bar Manager?
Well, this is actually the third time I’ve tried to get this gig. The two previous times I wasn’t quick enough on the trigger and missed out(Once to me!!!).

My mother used to be the bar manager of my rugby club in Ireland, and I’m a notorious man for a beer or ten, so it’s a natural fit.   
What are you hoping for the club for the year both on and off the field?
I’d like to see a couple of flags on the wall, and continued involvement in the Wallaroos from our ladies. Off the field it would be great to get some of the 125 club improvements made. Our location is too special to not host finals footy.
Who is going to win the Summer tests, the Wallabies or Ireland?
I’ll bet a beer with anyone that Ireland will win comfortably. 50 points aggregate over the three tests. ( CB Note: I foresee lads queuing up for a piece of you here Lloyd)
Who is the best player you have ever played with or against?
This is a tough list to comprise because I have a long history of being the worst player on the pitch. I’ve played with three Lions and about 10 guys who played pro rugby. The best was probably a guy called Scott Deasy. He was a mutant at schoolboy rugby, and played a few years for Munster but never got to that top level.
Who is the best back you have played beside at Cott?
Morné (CB: AKA Sean Martin – premier grade back with a cannon for a boot) was playing threes for some daft reason when I first arrived. He was head and shoulders above that level. I’ve played with Benji our French halfback for nearly 10 years and he has always been excellent too.
Who is the best forward you have played beside at Cott?
El Presidente I’d say. JC was always useful if you needed to throw a hospital pass to somebody, or need backup in a scuffle. Less useful when dealing with referees. (CB: I concur, el presidente is about as subtle as a brick through a window whilst on the rugby field)
Who hits the hardest at Cott?
Jeremy Walcroft hits ten times harder than an angry midget like him should be able to. Never missed an opportunity to crack some ribs.
PS: If anyone needs to book a function or event or just to organise a good session, you can get in contact with Lloyd going forward through the clubhouse manager email: cottrugbyvenue@gmail.com or through the Facebook page.
Lloyd, like myself, would always take care of our own people.

Over and out,
